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Episode 162: Workgroup Voices, The Inner Workings of Prior Authorization

Michael welcomes 3 of the 4 co-chairs of WEDI’s Prior Authorization Subworkgroup:

Heather McComas, Director, Administrative Simplification Initiatives, American Medical Association
David Delano, Senior Director of Services, Massachusetts Health Data Consortium
Raj Godavarthi, Associate VP of Technology and Interoperability, MCG Health
The 3 discuss the changes in the workgroup and the industry since the January 2024 release of the CMS Interoperability and Prior Authorization rule, the exciting role of artificial intelligence in PA, and how their unique stakeholder roles offer a full, detailed dialogue during their monthly meetings.

Tons of Prior Authorization-related education coming to you courtesy of WEDI. Visit and click CALENDAR for more information

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WEDI Letter to The Honorable Chiquita Brooks-LaSure

Knowledge Center Episode 163: Bring Curious About Artificial Intelligence with Google’s Shweta Maniar June 1, 2021 On behalf of our members, we offer our best wishes for great success as CMS Administrator and, as the collective voice of the health care industry on health IT issues, WEDI looks forward to continuing our important partnership with…

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Chiquita Brooks-LaSure confirmed to lead Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

Knowledge Center Episode 163: Bring Curious About Artificial Intelligence with Google’s Shweta Maniar May 26, 2021 Providers and others applaud Brooks-LaSure’s work on the ACA and her advocacy on health equity issues and for the underserved. Charles Stellar, president and CEO of  WEDI, the Workgroup for Electronic Data Interchange, said, “Administrator Brooks-LaSure is now in…

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